Why Join?

WBNA works with neighbors and businesses to support our community in ways that meet the current moment. Help us continue to fuel community by becoming a member!

Becoming a member of WBNA supports our work year-round. Our initiatives include covid vaccination clinics, tree-planting and community gardening, neighborhood cleanups, a winter lights festival, a solar program, events to encourage dialogue between neighbors and elected officials, lots of engagement with local schools, a new charging station for electric vehicles, and so much more. We partner with many local organizations to foster and support work that serves the most vulnerable members of our community. We also do grant-writing for neighborhood improvements and advocate with officials for laws & policies that expand and protect neighbor rights.

individual/household MEMBER BENEFITS

Membership is open to all at a suggested minimum donation of $20 for individuals, families, or households.In addition to supporting our work, being a member comes with perks!

  • Access to WBNA as a neighborhood resource and information hub, utilizing our institutional knowledge, experience, and relationships

  • Charge your electric vehicle at our headquarters at a reduced member rate

  • Rentals of tools & equipment from the WBNA Toolbank (includes yard tools, tables and chairs, and popcorn machine rentals), all at a reduced rate

  • Rent space at WBNA Headquarters for your meeting or workshop at a reduced rate

  • Vote for officers and Board members at our Annual Meeting

  • Get a WBNA bumper sticker for your car, house, or shop window

  • Be the first to know about neighborhood news via regular email newsletter updates

  • Attend our meetings (open to all, member or not!) and get to know folks in your neighborhood

Business Member benefits

A Business Membership is $120 annually – all of which goes to support the important work of WBNA.

Business Member benefits include:

  • Invitation to bi-monthly WBNA Business Network events for business members in the area

  • Voice in shaping the neighborhood

  • Free marketing and promotion for your business events through WBNA’s social media channels, web presence, and newsletters

  • Pre-registration opportunities for WBNA events

  • For new businesses – access to mentorships from seasoned business owners in the community

  • Opportunities to sponsor WBNA events for additional marketing exposure

  • Meaningful volunteer experiences

events that connect neighbors

Advocacy, Improvements, and Maintenance

  • Ongoing advocacy: Work with neighbors when they have concerns and ideas

  • Notification of issues and legislation that may affect you and your home or business

  • Access to city officials to cite and correct problems quickly

  • Advocacy for walkable quality neighborhood public schools on the West Side

  • Grant writing for neighborhood infrastructure & improvements (playground, streetscapes, trees, etc)

  • WBNA has helped to implement laws & policies that expand & protect neighbor rights. In recent years, this advocacy has led to legislation that prevents placement of gas meters on historic and non-historic properties & a pilot program for overnight permit parking that became Providence’s official Resident Permit Parking Program!